zaterdag 17 januari 2015

Week 3: Progress!

After two weeks of lacing I've finally discovered some measurable difference!!!
The measurements might have been a little bit compromised as I measured my natural waist in the morning but my corsetted waist at night.
I didn't have time in the morning to film for my vlog so I only took the one measurement. My corset probably got a little looser over the course of the day, so my corsetted measurements might not be as accurate as I would want it, being measured before I took it off at the end of the day...

This past week I've skipped wearing my corset for 1,5 days, but to compensate for that, I've laced in real tight for a ball. I was surprised how easy this was! In my first week there was definitely some resistance while lacing myself in, but now I could just lace myself tight with very little effort.
In line with this discovery is the experience of my upper body slimming down. The upper part of the corset feels almost loose now and I notice no fat anymore on my ribcage :D
My belly has also noticeably moved down. It's sitting in a whole new place now. I hope this will get lost as well as my appetite is now contained by the corset.

My natural waist is now 89 cm (a steady decrease!). My corsetted waist was 83 cm yet again, but this measurement might be slightly off...
And I'm contemplating on seriously improving my vlogging skills :P Any tips?

1. better sound
2. ...

For my vlogpost of this week, click here.

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